Thursday 25 April 2013

Nails for Any Style!

Hey guys!
So most of yo really enjoyed my neutral nails post from quite a while back and I got some great feedback. So in honor, of all you nail lovers, including myself, I present to you a nail round-up. So enjoy these nails for any taste!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Monday 22 April 2013

Pinterest love!

Here are some of my Pinterest faves!

For more, check out my pinterest!

Rant and Rave! Natio Gentle Skin Toner!

Product imageHey there!
I bought this toner in the essence of trying out new products because beauty is all about taking risks, even if changing up toners is a risk! I've always thought Natio was a high end skincare brand so when I saw it at my local chemist, I was immediately drawn to it.

The smell is just so delicious! Well, anything rosewater smells and tastes delicious. If you have read my previous post about rosewater and it's benefits  then you'll know about the wonders that rosewater can do for your skin. This is the second reason that lead me to try out this toner.

In terms of price, this toner is actually quite inexpensive for the quality and brand. My local chemist retailed this for ten dollars but according to the official Natio website sells this for $14. Either way, this toner is definitely work it. My previous toner (Clean and Clear) was 6 dollars for a small bottle of about 100 ml, which in comparison to this, is quite expensive. All, in all this toner is worth the price for something this amazing.

The question is: What makes this better from the others? This is usually the question that I ask myself before buying something new. And I can definitely say that this product is better from others.A great benefit is that it purifies and tighten pores. I have heard rumors that this toner is not suitable for all skin types and may give you rashes and irritation. As far as I'm concerned, those are all just rumors, I have no solid evidence. The  product is even proven to be suitable for all skin types. This toner works well with my skin- which is relatively dry yet oily in some parts.

In summary, I definitely recommend this toner to all you guys out there for great results on a tight budget. In addition, the scent and the sheer amazingness of the results are all the more reason to try out Natio's gentle skin toner.

Talk to you soon,

Sunday 21 April 2013

Bookworm: Beauty Queens

Hey there!

So I discovered this book from a magazine review. The description was quite vague, but just the title "Beauty Queens" made me head off to the local library to pick it. And I must say, it was not at all what I expected! My initial thoughts were something along the lines of a bunch of beauty pageant queen deserted on a island, where they must face their fears- broken nails, chapped lips and what-not. When I think about that I sometimes wonder why I borrowed the book in the first place. Beauty Queens take the concept of Beauty Pageants further, make the book funny yet true. The stranded girls start to understand who they are other than girls who compete for a crown- they are survivors, each of them winners, and most of all people, not things who wave and smile. As the audience, we start to understand that the life of a beauty queen isn't all glamour, but more- these girls have their own problems underneath their exfoliated., moisturized skin.

All in all, this book is amazing and hilarious! A break from all those serious book and a must read for anyone!

Wednesday 17 April 2013


You get my lame joke? Well, on the topic of pinterest, I'm here to announce my new pinterest account! So please check it out, it would mean the world to me!!!!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Saturday 6 April 2013