Tuesday 4 December 2012

Book Worm! Delirium Review

There are only a few words to describe this book. it's over 400 pages and i read it under 24 hours. Being, one of my favorite books of all time, I just had to do a review on Delirium, by Lauren Oliver. I spend my free time reading, and usually refer to friends and the internet for my main source for recommendations. While I was surfing the net, I came across a review, and since then, all I've heard are good things about this book.

Just to set the scene, this book is of the romance genre and a dystopian theme underlays the plot. Lena Haloway, the main character lives in a society where love is classified as a  disease, in fact the mother of all diseases. When one turns 18, they undergo a procedure, where the emotion of love is removed from the brain.However 95 days from her procedure, she does the unthinkable.

Lauren Oliver writes the book in a way that you are part of the action, an insider, and you are seeing everything through Lena's eyes. Along the way, there are surprises that add up to the climax, preparing the reader for all the action. However, Lauren Oliver does this in a subtle way, which in this case is a good thing.Lauren Oliver has a talent for using the most beautiful, rich language and imagery to capture a moment perfectly.

The ending...ahhh the ending. For some it was disappointing but for me I found it beautiful and at the same time I was angry. No spoilers here so go read the book for yourself!
"Delirium is a wonderfully emotional, heartbreaking love story set in a dystopian future" says Stacey from Goodreads. and to tell you the truth, this is probably the best summary of the book I can give you. 

Love Shoba 

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