Friday 4 January 2013

Picking the Right Moisturizer!

No matter how oily or dry, sensitive or not, moisturizer is essential for all skin types. The question that I get asked most is "Does oily skin need moisturizer?'' Well, of course it does! "Just because you have oily skin, though, doesn't mean your skin is hydrated"says Rouleau "If you don't use the right moisturizer, your skin will just produce more oil to overcompensate for being dehydrated" So, in other words, skin needs both natural oils and water to be healthy.

Oily and dry skin are the two main skin types out there, so that's exactly what I'm going to talk about today. Dry skin types should opt for ingredients that repair the lipid moisture barrier in the skin and prevent transepidermal water loss. Any lotion with jojoba oil. borage oil, sweet almond oil and ceramides will work great for dry skin. As for people with oily or acne-prone skin, you should look out for sodium hyaluronate, cucumber fruit extract and mallow flower extract.

Here's a great tip when trying out new moisturizers. This check only takes 5 minutes and you could even do it in the store with any samples of moisturizer you receive. Apply moisturizer on your face, and if after five minutes, you can still feel it, well then it's too heavy for your face.

What are your thoughts and tips? Comment below!

Good luck, in finding the right moisturizer!

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